Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin

Берлин, Германия

The Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (ukb) is a trauma center for maximum care with over 600 beds at 20 wards and a reception center.

For the 25 departments and departments, including a certified head and neck tumor center, a certified prostate center, a certified bowel center and a certified stroke unit, the hospital has 15 operating rooms, one of which is located in the center for severe burns and four for outpatient surgery,

The ukb has interventional cardiology with three cardiac catheterization labs, a physical therapy and rehabilitation center, a research center and an emergency training center. The ukb, with its Institute for Telemedicine, supports other hospitals through digital radiology and tele-neurology.

At the ukb a rescue helicopter is stationed, on the roof there are two landing sites. Since April 2017, the ukb has been the basis for the STEMO 2 (stroke mobile).

The first care of injured and diseased patients is guaranteed in one of the most modern emergency services in Germany.

Информация о клинике

The Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (ukb) is a trauma center for maximum care with over 600 beds at 20 wards and a reception center.

For the 25 departments and departments, including a certified head and neck tumor center, a certified prostate center, a certified bowel center and a certified stroke unit, the hospital has 15 operating rooms, one of which is located in the center for severe burns and four for outpatient surgery, 

The ukb has interventional cardiology with three cardiac catheterization labs, a physical therapy and rehabilitation center, a research center and an emergency training center. The ukb, with its Institute for Telemedicine, supports other hospitals through digital radiology and tele-neurology.

At the ukb a rescue helicopter is stationed, on the roof there are two landing sites. Since April 2017, the ukb has been the basis for the STEMO 2 (stroke mobile).

The first care of injured and diseased patients is guaranteed in one of the most modern emergency services in Germany.

Описание клиники

The Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (ukb) is a trauma center for maximum care with over 600 beds at 20 wards and a reception center.

For the 25 departments and departments, including a certified head and neck tumor center, a certified prostate center, a certified bowel center and a certified stroke unit, the hospital has 15 operating rooms, one of which is located in the center for severe burns and four for outpatient surgery,

The ukb has interventional cardiology with three cardiac catheterization labs, a physical therapy and rehabilitation center, a research center and an emergency training center. The ukb, with its Institute for Telemedicine, supports other hospitals through digital radiology and tele-neurology.

At the ukb a rescue helicopter is stationed, on the roof there are two landing sites. Since April 2017, the ukb has been the basis for the STEMO 2 (stroke mobile).

The first care of injured and diseased patients is guaranteed in one of the most modern emergency services in Germany.



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