Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Ганновер, Германия
Международные отношения играли всегда очень важную роль в медицинском университете Ганновера.
Сотрудничество с различными клиниками и университетами постоянно растет во всем мире.
Медицинский университет Ганновера пользуется международным признанием в области образования и исследований.
Интерес к иностранным студентам, ученым и врачам, которые хотят учиться, работать или заниматься исследовательской работой, постоянно растет в медицинском университете Ганновера.
Студенты-аспиранты и ученые со всего мира участвуют в различных исследовательских проектах в медицинском университете Ганновера.
Мы приветствуем всех вас.
Студенты-аспиранты и ученые со всего мира участвуют в различных исследовательских проектах в медицинском университете Ганновера.
Мы приветствуем всех вас.
Информация о клинике
Уважаемый пациент,
Мы приветствуем Вас от имени всех сотрудников Ганноверского медицинского университета.
Пациенты обращаются за помощью в нашу больницу, чтобы улучшить свое состояние здоровья. Наша задача - использовать все наши возможности и знания в области медицины, чтобы помочь Вам. Врачи нашей команды, а также наш медсестринский персонал сделают все возможное, чтобы ваше пребывание в больнице было максимально приятным, даже если причина вашего пребывания у нас серьезная.
«Чтобы способствовать процессу выздоровления, нам нужна ваша помощь».
Пожалуйста, сообщите нам обо всем, что кажется вам важным, и не бойтесь спросить, если Вы что-то не поняли. Взаимное доверие и понимание способствуют вашему выздоровлению. Мы надеемся, что вы почувствуете себя как дома в нашей клинике.
Мы поблагодарим Вас за Ваше доверие к медицинскому университету Ганновера и пожелаем Вам скорейшего выздоровления.
Intestinal infectious diseases
Other bacterial diseases
Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions
Other viral diseases
Other infectious diseases
Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs
Malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs
Malignant neoplasms of bone and articular cartilage
Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of skin
Malignant neoplasms of mesothelial and soft tissue
Malignant neoplasms of breast
Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs
Malignant neoplasms of male genital organs
Malignant neoplasms of urinary tract
Malignant neoplasms of eye, brain and other parts of central nervous system
Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands
Malignant neoplasms of ill-defined, other secondary and unspecified sites
Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue
In situ neoplasms
Benign neoplasms, except benign neuroendocrine tumors
Neoplasms of uncertain behavior, polycythemia vera and myelodysplastic syndromes
Hemolytic anemias
Aplastic and other anemias and other bone marrow failure syndromes
Coagulation defects, purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions
Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
Disorders of thyroid gland
Diabetes mellitus
Disorders of other endocrine glands
Overweight, obesity and other hyperalimentation
Metabolic disorders
Mental disorders due to known physiological conditions
Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use
Schizophrenia, schizotypal, delusional, and other non-mood psychotic disorders
Mood [affective] disorders
Anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, somatoform and other nonpsychotic mental disorders
Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors
Disorders of adult personality and behavior
Pervasive and specific developmental disorders
Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
Systemic atrophies primarily affecting the central nervous system
Extrapyramidal and movement disorders
Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system
Episodic and paroxysmal disorders
Nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders
Polyneuropathies and other disorders of the peripheral nervous system
Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle
Other disorders of the nervous system
Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit
Disorders of conjunctiva
Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body
Disorders of lens
Disorders of choroid and retina
Disorders of vitreous body and globe
Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways
Disorders of ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation and refraction
Diseases of middle ear and mastoid
Diseases of inner ear
Other disorders of ear
Hypertensive diseases
Ischemic heart diseases
Pulmonary heart disease and diseases of pulmonary circulation
Other forms of heart disease
Cerebrovascular diseases
Diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries
Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, not elsewhere classified
Acute upper respiratory infections
Influenza and pneumonia
Other acute lower respiratory infections
Other diseases of upper respiratory tract
Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Other respiratory diseases principally affecting the interstitium
Suppurative and necrotic conditions of the lower respiratory tract
Intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of respiratory system, not elsewhere classified
Other diseases of the respiratory system
Diseases of oral cavity and salivary glands
Diseases of esophagus, stomach and duodenum
Diseases of appendix
Noninfective enteritis and colitis
Other diseases of intestines
Diseases of liver
Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas
Other diseases of the digestive system
Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Bullous disorders
Dermatitis and eczema
Papulosquamous disorders
Other disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Inflammatory polyarthropathies
Other joint disorders
Systemic connective tissue disorders
Other dorsopathies
Disorders of muscles
Other soft tissue disorders
Disorders of bone density and structure
Other osteopathies
Other disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Glomerular diseases
Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases
Acute kidney failure and chronic kidney disease
Other disorders of kidney and ureter
Other diseases of the urinary system
Diseases of male genital organs
Disorders of breast
Noninflammatory disorders of female genital tract
Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy
Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems
Complications of labor and delivery
Encounter for delivery
Other obstetric conditions, not elsewhere classified
Disorders of newborn related to length of gestation and fetal growth
Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders specific to the perinatal period
Hemorrhagic and hematological disorders of newborn
Congenital malformations of the circulatory system
Congenital malformations of the respiratory system
Cleft lip and cleft palate
Other congenital malformations of the digestive system
Congenital malformations of genital organs
Congenital malformations of the urinary system
Congenital malformations and deformations of the musculoskeletal system
Symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems
Symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen
Symptoms and signs involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Symptoms and signs involving the genitourinary system
Symptoms and signs involving cognition, perception, emotional state and behavior
General symptoms and signs
Injuries to the head
Injuries to the neck
Injuries to the thorax
Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine, pelvis and external genitals
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm
Injuries to the elbow and forearm
Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers
Injuries to the hip and thigh
Injuries to the knee and lower leg
Injuries to the ankle and foot
Burns and corrosions
Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances
Other and unspecified effects of external causes
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified
Persons encountering health services for examinations
Persons encountering health services in circumstances related to reproduction
Encounters for other specific health care