University Clinic Heidelberg

Heidelberg, Німеччина

Heidelberg University is the oldest university in Germany.

The first medical lectures were held here in 1388. Today Heidelberg University Hospital is one of the largest and most prestigious medical centers in Germany and the whole of Europe.

The reputation of Heidelberg as a medical center is based on excellent patient care, research and teaching

Інформація про клініку

<p>Heidelberg University is the oldest university in Germany.

The first medical lectures were held here in 1388. Today Heidelberg University Hospital is one of the largest and most prestigious medical centers in Germany and the whole of Europe.</p>
<p>The reputation of Heidelberg as a medical center is based on excellent patient care, research and teaching</p>

Clinic Overview

Optimal care of patients

Heidelberg University Hospital offers inpatients and outpatients an innovative andeffective diagnosis and therapy for all complex diseases.

Modern buildings with state-of-the-art equipment enable very ill persons to receive medical care that meets thehighest international standards. The proximity and interlinking of the specialist departments benefit the patient: interdisciplinary cooperation ensures optimal treatment.

Science for patients

Progress and innovation are essential for promising medical treatment.

Hundreds of doctors and scientists at Heidelberg University Hospital and its partner research institutes, such as the world-renowned German Cancer Research Center, pursue a common aim: the development of new forms of therapy and their quick implementation for the benefit of the patient.

Imparting medical knowledge

The Medical Faculty and Heidelberg University Hospital work as a team to train outstanding doctors and dentists.

Numerous doctors complete their post-graduate specialist training at a university level. Top-class care and attention to the patient have priority in nursing and other health profession programs.

The high standard of training for junior employees and ongoing staff development are reflected in excellent patient care.



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