Marianowicz Medizin München

Munich, Німеччина

“We take care of people – not X-ray images.” Dr. Martin Marianowicz’s motto shapes the work of the Marianowicz Centre for Diagnosis and Therapy. At our facility, we gather specialists from the broadest range of disciplines that all share a single goal: your health. For it is only through interdisciplinary cooperation by different specialties that we can make accurate diagnoses with the least possible burden and implement targeted, sparing treatments.

Інформація про клініку

"It is our declared goal that patients receive close attention and continuous all-around care at the highest professional levels - throughout every stage of treatment - from their first visit to their discharge, whether from rehab, or at the end of their training."

Dr. med. Martin Marianowicz

Medical Specialist for Orthopedics, Chiropractic Joint Manipulation, Sports Medicine & Pain Management, Fellow for Interventional Pain PracticeChairman of the World Institute of Pain - Section Germany and Eastern Europe



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